
Monday, July 08, 2019

Rumor Mill On Jeffrey Epstein

This is from a Celebrity Gossip site called "Crazy Days and Crazy Nights."

When I say it is Celebrity Gossip, you probably think, like, "Perez Hilton?"


This is hardcore, industry-insider gossip. A tremendous amount of the stories they break wind up being true.

This is the gossip the gossip magazines will not print.

Check it out (Hint: SOME of the most important info shows up in the comments):

Blind Item #7 - Jeffrey Epstein Revisited

There are lots of rumors and insinuations going both directions of the political spectrum. But this one worries me:
If Trump has clean hands when it comes to Epstein, why did he hire the guy who brokered the Jeff's sweetheart deal to be labor secretary? An innocent man wouldn't want Acosta anywhere near his cabinet. But an implicated man would owe him a favor, like a high profile promotion.


  1. Well, this is good news:

  2. Key paragraphs in the Daily Mail article:

    "Records in the defamation case contained descriptions of sexual abuse by Epstein along with new allegations of sexual abuse by 'numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister and other world leaders.'

    The appeals court found that the judge in the case did seal a number of documents without a justifiable reason when ordering the release."

