
Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Democrat Party Has Become A Mortal Enemy of The People of The U.S., and Of The Nation As Founded

From J.J. Sefton:
I've got an image stuck in my head this morning and I can't seem to shake it. It's from the final scene of Alfred Hitchcock's wartime thriller Saboteur where the heavy, played by Norman Lloyd is dangling from Lady Liberty's torch as the hero, Bob Cummings, strains to hold on to his sleeve, desperately trying to save the guy he's chased for the entire picture who framed him for treasonous sabotage. And then Hitch cuts to a close up of Lloyd's shoulder where, one by one, the stitches on his jacket sleeve start popping loose... 
Everything about that entire scene combines into a metaphor that perfectly encapsulates where the Democrat Party and even more frighteningly the nation as a whole is at this moment in time. We're coming apart at the seams. The better angels of our nature are desperate to cling to something, anything in our political enemies that will pull them back from the brink, knowing full well that if the situation were reversed, they'd be doing what Martin Landau did to Cary Grant as he dangled from a precipice atop Mount Rushmore in North By Northwest: grind his heel into Grant's hand. 
Beyond any shadow of a doubt (no pun), the Democrat Party has gone from being merely a political enemy and morphed into a mortal enemy not just of the GOP and conservatives, but of the nation as founded, its distinct culture, traditions, heritage and its people. The spectacle over the last few days that we have had to endure, which is solely and wholly at the feet of the Democrat-Media Complex, will go down as a low point in our history, naturally depending upon who gets to write that history. For me, almost as repulsive as having to listen to the effluent coming from the flapping castanets of the Febrile Four Females of "The Squad" aka "The Aristocrats!" are the fools, stooges and confederates of the anti-Trump persuasion who cast equal if not more blame on this President and by extension the majority of the American people. 
President Trump has rightly called them out in the plainest of terms for who and what they are and what they have said, vis a vis the bald-faced lies about or immigration and detention policies and more generally the nation and its citizens. Nowhere in any of his comments were any individuals named, let alone their race or country of origin. Only one was born in one of the worst foreign shit-holes on the planet and the other three come from domestic shit-holes of the Democrat-controlled variety, but I digress. The attitude and meaning of the phrase "America, love it or leave it" is unambiguous, and the only crime in Trump saying what amounts to that sentiment is that for far too long it has gone unsaid.
What all of these idiots are missing, mostly because the propagandists aren't covering it, is the rhetoric that Trump was attacking has and continues to incite violence. When you label detention facilities as "concentration camps," compare Trump to Hitler, Pence to Himmler, the Border Patrol and ICE agents as the SS rounding up innocent children and torturing them, is it any wonder that some guy attempted to firebomb a detention facility in Tacoma? 

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