
Tuesday, July 02, 2019


From J.J. Sefton:
Andy Ngo, the brave, real journalist sat down with Tucker Carlson and described what happened to him. ...The journalist, who regularly covers Antifa activity in the Portland area, told Tucker that he put his arms up to "signal" a surrender, but that only caused demonstrators to be "more aggressive"... 
"Then they started dumping what I believe were milkshakes and eggs, throwing it at my face which blinded me so that I could not see," said Ngo. "And I was kicked some more, punched some more. And all this time I kept thinking, where are the police? I could still see the county justice center in front of me, but no police ever arrived..." 
The reason they never showed up is because far from being a disorganized rabble, the goons that were a red nether hair's breadth from ending your life right then and there are the new "armed militant wing of the Democrat Party." 
Antifa is merely the physical manifestation of what Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook et al are doing to us every minute of every day in the virtual world. This two-front assault on the republic is because, in spite of everything, we have rejected the globalist attempt to capture the republic once and for all. 
And that will not be tolerated. 
The media either ignores these acts of political terrorism or if they can't, will excuse it and blame the victims. After all, we're racists, bigots, Nazis, literally Hitler, concentration camp commandants, sub human and evil and as such are not to be accorded the privilege, if you will, of having a valid viewpoint let alone of being human. 
As I stated yesterday, the knuckle-duster-wearing fists that landed in Andy Ngo's face are the direct end result of the campaign of dehumanization of conservative America-loving Americans that began long before 9:00PM on November 8th, 2016. It began over 50 years ago and continues to fester starting in the nation's kindergartens. That is where the fight for our long-term survival and renewal begins and ends, and the situation in that regard is very much in doubt. 
For now, we have what amounts to a domestic terrorist group that is being allowed to function with impunity in many jurisdictions, most openly and egregiously in Portland, Oregon where the mayor, Ted Wheeler is ordering his police officers to allow masked black-shirted brownshirts to roam the streets at will. 
This is intolerable, but just as with the flouting of law and the abrogation of the Constitution by Leftists in Congress, the Judiciary and the unelected bureaucracy, how do you use legal means to fight them? 
The President would be justified in sending in the National Guard to restore order to the streets when the police are either unable or unwilling to do their jobs. But you can imagine the reaction that that would engender both there and here. But this "AntiFa" movement must be broken and neutralized as was the KKK. 
The little rat bastards that for the most part seem to be wealthy suburban white kids still living at home are being led in some manner as well as being given aid and succor by one or more "Pied Pipers" if you will. 
Whoever the individual or individuals are, they must be rooted out, tried and convicted of domestic terrorism and fomenting insurrection, and then appropriately punished. 
If only we had an FBI that was not occupied with the same goal as Antifa in overthrowing this President. On a side note, the only Democrat that seemingly without equivocation says what happened to Ngo is dead wrong is candidate Andrew Yang. So kudos to him at least for that. 
Things are going to get interesting around the time of the party conventions and then the election next year. G-d help us.

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