
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

ANALYSIS: How Donald Trump Physically Dominated the G7 Summit

President Donald J. Trump asserted an imposing physical dominance over his fellow world leaders at the G7 Summit in France, a Free Beacon analysis has found. 
Using a number of advanced techniques deployed by elite negotiators, President Trump successfully demonstrated physical supremacy over his so-called peers. 
According to the analysis, Trump's unapologetic display of American dominance stands in marked contrast to the supine deference of his predecessor, Barack Obama. 
 Here's a sampling of what our analysts found:



    Britain's #Queen Elizabeth has approved Prime Minister Boris Johnson's plan to suspend parliament, a statement from the official body of advisers to the Queen, known as the #PrivyCouncil, said on Wednesday.

    Facebook Slaps Kassam With 30 Day Ban Ahead Of Brexit Deadline
    Raheem Kassam, former senior advisor to Nigel Farage and former editor-in-chief of both Breitbart London and Human Events, has been... … via @raheemkassam

  2. Went to that body language site and thought I hit The Onion. No one backs the president more than I do, but the article had me laughing, maybe more like laughing/gloating at the feckless libtards formerly in power
