
Monday, September 02, 2019


Philip K. Dick’s story “The Minority Report,” made into a movie in 2002 directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise, takes us to a nightmarish Washington, DC, in the year 2054, where police arrest people based on crimes that psychics say they’re going to commit in the future. That dystopia could come to Britain 35 years early if the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change gets its way. 
According to the Guardian, the Institute has recommended that “a new law allowing for hate groups to be designated and punished before they turn to violence is needed in order to tackle far-right extremists.” “Before they turn to violence” — that is, even if there is no indication that they will ever be violent. 
The Guardian notes that the authors of Narratives of Hate: The Spectrum of Far-Right Worldviews in the UK, the Tony Blair Institute report calling for this, “acknowledge that the issue of linking violent and nonviolent extremism is contentious and steps would need to be taken to protect free speech.” 
That’s window dressing meant to deceive the public into complacency. There is no way to criminalize certain opinions while protecting the freedom of speech. 
The Guardian continues: “The law…would designate hate groups as organisations that spread intolerance and antipathy towards people of a different race, religion, gender or nationality, the report said.” 
The danger of this is that it is universally taken for granted among the political and media elites that honest analysis of how jihadis use the texts and teachings of Islam to justify their actions and make recruits among peaceful Muslims constitutes spreading “intolerance and antipathy towards people of a different race, religion, gender or nationality.” Such analysis is consistently lumped together with racist groups, as if race hatred were the same thing as opposition to jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others. 
The report focuses on genuinely racist and hateful groups that people will be reluctant to defend, but that’s just the camel’s nose under the tent. According to the Guardian, “the recommendations and conclusions are based on analysis of the overlap between four ‘nonviolent’ far-right groups – Britain First, For Britain, the British National party (BNP) and Generation Identity England – and the ideology of the terrorist Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 people in Norway in 2011.”

Trump Admin Considers Using Far Left Tech Giants to Rate Americans and Help Determine Who Gets to Own a Gun?

1 comment:

  1. How about we use the Second Amendment to determine who gets to own and possess firearms? If you are not sane enough to own or possess a firearm, then you go to jail or a mental institution after being afforded Due Process.
