
Thursday, September 05, 2019

Kamala Harris Wants The Government To Create "Incentives and Then Ban" The Eating of Red Meat

Kamala Harris: I think that the point that you’re raising in a broader context is that a nation we absolutely have to have a real priority at the highest level of government around what we eat and in terms of healthy eating because we have a problem in America… The answer is yes. Let me say the balance that we have to strike here frankly is what government can and should do about creating incentives and then banning certain behaviors. Just to be very honest with you, I love cheeseburgers from time to time, I just do and there has to be also what we do in terms of creating incentives that we’ll eat in a healthy way and that we will encourage moderation and that we will be educated about the effect of our eating habits on our environment. 
On a slightly different subject: Doesn't Kamala Harris look scared to death during this video? What's up with that? She looks like she's in the throes of a panic attack.


  1. This is what happens when a country allows it's government to pay for and be involved in healthcare decisions. It micromanages the lives of citizens.. you know, for their own good.

  2. I think the question threw Kamala Brown, emm, Harris into a tailspin. She never envisioned that she would be asked such a nutball question unless she was at a Bernie Sanders rally.

  3. Yeah, I think that may have been it. But then she went and gave a nutball answer to the question, which tells me she doesn't have a very dexterous mind. She wasn't capable of dancing on the question. Instead, she painted herself into a corner.

    She isn't smart enough for prime time.

  4. I agree Pastorius. She is just a liberal blowhard. She is not even likable.

    The best Democrat candidate is Tulsi Gabbard and the DNC will never let her be the nominee because she called them out for robbing Bernie of the 2016 nomination.

  5. If this proposal passes, will we still be the Land of the Free? Just askin'

    -- theBuckWheat

  6. I guess the elected representative has not read the trending news that vegetarians have increased risk of stroke.

    What about the Japanese? They eat seafood. Their cardiac disease index is lower than ours but they have higher rates of stomach cancer.

    Should we just ban eating? Or can we follow God's law as stated to Noah in a post-flood environment, that he could also eat meat?

    It is oppression for a government to tell its people what they can and cannot eat. But only in a land of immense prosperity is that even possible.

    In Christianity, there are no real taboo regarding eating and drinking. All things, in moderation. It is Hinduism - the rules of a foreign deity - which forbid eating meat.

    Be a healthy Christian.

  7. BuckWheat,
    Are we still the Land of The Free right now, at this time?

  8. “And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.”
    --- Acts 10:13
