From Hot Air:
Who would have expected the harshest media rebuke of the New York Times to come from the CBS Evening News? It starts off like a rehash of the NYT’s hit job on Brett Kavanaugh, but as correspondent Jan Crawford noted on Twitter, it takes a sharply critical turn at the end.
Not only does Crawford note that every one of Christine Blasey Ford’s cited witnesses say the alleged high-school party with Kavanaugh never happened, Crawford uses the cutting-room floor clippings from the NYT’s story to focus on Leland Keyser’s claim of witness tampering.
The details of Keyser’s experience with those who pressured her to change her story started coming out last October, but only now — buried at the back of the new book from two NYT reporters — do we have an outright dismissal of Blasey Ford’s claims from Keyser.
Somehow the NYT’s editors thought rehashing old and utterly uncorroborated campus gossip from the Golden Girls era was bigger news than witness tampering by Blasey Ford’s allies.
Apparently, the accuser and her cabal have outlived their usefulness in liberal-land.