
Saturday, October 12, 2019

Beholden to Chinese blood money, Steve Kerr compares US gun ownership to state-sponsored genocide

Beholden to Chinese blood money, Steve Kerr compares US gun ownership to state-sponsored genocide
Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr is living proof of the old aphorism that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. 
The faux social activist made headlines this week after he declined to answer a simple question about the NBA siding against the pro-democracy Hong Kong protesters. 
Kerr then made matters worse for himself Thursday by arguing there is essentially no difference between the United States and communist China. 
After all, Kerr explained, America has gun violence. That somehow justifies China's brutal repression of its religious minorities and against Hong Kongers defending their freedom. 
Kerr was asked specifically whether he has been asked about human rights abuses during previous trips to China, a country in which the NBA has a significant financial stake. 
“It has not come up in terms of people asking me about it, people discussing it,” the coach told reporters. “No.” There was a brief pause. Then, he continued. 
“Nor has [America’s] record of human rights abuses come up either. You know, things that our country needs to look at and resolve. That hasn’t come up either," Kerr added. 
"[P]eople in China didn’t ask me about, you know, people owning AR-15s and mowing each other down in a mall. I wasn’t asked that question." 

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