
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Iran says Turkish military must immediately end attacks in Syria and withdraw

When Trump made the announcement the other day, that he could no longer stomach sending our troops into battle to be killed in Syria, I was not happy. It seemed to me his signaling of weakness was dangerous, and uncharacteristic.

I was truly disappointed in Trump.

And I expressed it.

But maybe, once again, I am proven wrong when I disagree with Trump.

Did Trump purposely set up a war between Iran and Turkey?
GENEVA (Reuters) - Iran’s foreign ministry called on Turkey on Thursday to immediately halt its military offensive in Syria and pull its forces out of that country. 
In a statement posted on its official website, the ministry expressed concern about the humanitarian situation and the dangers posed to civilians in the conflict zone. 
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran... emphasizes (the need for) an immediate stop to the attacks and the exit of the Turkish military from Syrian territory,” it said.


  1. It will be interesting to see who, if anyone, kicks Turkey out of Syria without US leadership.

    It certainly wont be Europe.

    Odd how we could keep them out with only 50 guys on the ground.

    If Syrian forces fail to to actively help the Kurds remove the Turks from Syrian soil then perhaps the Kurds with the help of a clandestine state sponsor could be supplied with enough hand-held anti-armor and anti-air to do it themselves. After which case an independent Kurdish homeland would be in order. Syria's claim to the territory when they were not willing to defend it would be muted.

    If the Syrians let the Kurds bleed the Turks down to a stalemate, then help them with Iranian backed Shia-militias, then you could have a direct Iranian-Turkish War. That in itself would weaken both anti-American parties.

    If Iran is not willing to mobilize its proxies to defend Syrian territory that would weaken their influence in Damascus.

    You could also have Russia make a deal with Turkey that cedes Syrian sovereignty. Russia's main reason for propping up Syria anyway is Tartus. That could lead to conflict between Syria-Iran and Russia. Another win-win for the US.

    I dont see any combination of those necessarily being detrimental to US interests. I see a lot of our adversaries having to spend their resources for a landlocked strip, and Europe coming to the realization that without US leadership their ability to shape global events is more severely limited than it ever has been before. Something that should have been obvious since Kosovo.

  2. The Kurds have been seeking autonomy for decades. It is old news of a regional ethno-cultural division which requires foreign intervention to sustain it. While not on the same scale as the Palestinian FUBAR, it is indeed, something to be sorted out by nations with adjoining borders.

    I think the POTUS did not signal weakness, rather compassion for our troops with his remarks. Compassion for families too. The USMC has a significant rate of family fracture/divorce because of multiple deployments.

    I am with the POTUS. Burn, Baby, Burn. Until the region tires of it, let it burn. They must tire of their own bloodlust and political aspirations. We were not birthed for "world peace". We were birthed, for strength, autonomy, and intended blessing for OUR PEOPLE.
