
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Some Interesting Thoughts On Why The Elite/Deep State Hates Trump So Much

This comes from a conversation with a friend:
Here's my mental theory of these kinds of scandals: 
-The elites mostly live in a state of mutual-extortion against each other. Congressman A has skeletons in his closet, but so does Congressman B of the other party, and both parties know about the other's, so there is a sort of stalemate. It works. 
-It may actually kinda-sorta be a requirement to rise to senior enough rank that you have certain skeletons in your closet. Not on purpose, but because that will make certain powerful people back you, because they can control you. Think of Dennis Hastert. Or another example I just read somewhere is someone who remembered hearing in the '90s from a D insider that Newt Gingrich wasn't gonna do anything that bad, cuz it was known he was having an affair so he could be kept in line. 
-Russia and China and Israel and (name other foreign countries here) know about lots of these skeletons. But are usually aligned with one or the other camp so keep quiet. You can just think of them as part of one camp or the other. 
-But Trump didn't come up through any well defined 'camp', so he wasn't controllable. 
This is what freaked everyone out. He wasn't gonna play by the mutual-extortion rules. This has two effects: 
1) a frantic and effort to find dirt on him so he'd be brought into the mutual-extortion game, and 
2) massive fears that he would find/uncover dirt on others (in ways that the elites consider unfair). 
If you look at his two big 'scandals' they're both basically cases where elites get pissed off/freaked out that he is Trying To Find Dirt, in ways that they didn't approve. 
-the effort to find Hillary's deleted emails. (This was probably the entire cause of Trump-Russia, because it led the CIA to spy on him and run sting-operations on him just in case he was getting close) 
-the effort to get the Biden's in trouble for Ukraine profiteering. (the current Trump-Ukraine thing) 
Both of those are cases where Trump is getting in trouble for bothering some elite person after they behaved badly. You almost get the impression that the rest of DC considers that a violation of some sort of 'gentleman's agreement' they all have amongst each other.


  1. Spot on. You have articulated what I have thought for many years

  2. Absolutely...just try and imagine the scope of the dirt the elite had on each other to not question the lack of any serious vetting of Obama, Jarrett, Huma Abedin, the Awans ...
