
Sunday, December 08, 2019

Sexual Deviants Invited to Proselytize At DAYCARE CENTER


  1. Spiritually speaking it looks like three lions sizing up an ewe.
    In a sane society everyone responsible would be arrested, jailed and labeled as a sex offender for life.

  2. These creeps would be better off have a millstone tied around their necks and being dropped in the ocean.
    The day is coming when every single person will understand the truth of what I just quoted

  3. Yep. We're headed for some terrible travail.

  4. Blatant evil -- and embraced by those who care for children, toddlers even.

  5. Sounds like occultism and YOUR soul is quite possibly the price. All for someone who already left you for someone else !!!
    Are YOU really that stoooopid?
    I guess being THAT stupid goes right along with such irrelevant commenting. LOL.

  6. Then again only a complete dummy would respond to your email. So maybe you're not so stupid, but just an evil predator. In either case I'm happy to point put that witchcraft is wicked.
