
Sunday, February 02, 2020

France’s left-wing elite are accused of cowardice for failing to support 16-year-old girl facing death threats after she insulted Islam online

France’s left-wing elite are accused of cowardice for failing to support 16-year-old girl facing death threats after she insulted Islam online
France‘s left-wing elite have been accused of cowardice for failing to support a 16-year-old girl who has faced death threats after she insulted Islam online. 
The girl, known as Mila, said Islam ‘is a s*** religion’ and the Koran is ‘full of hate’ in an outburst online after she repeatedly rebuffed a Muslim’s advances. 
She has been removed from her sixth-form college in Lyon, south-east France, by police ‘for her own safety’ and has faced a torrent of insults and threats to rape and kill her. 
The teenager’s lawyer, Richard Malka, told The Times that her plight has been completely ignored by the left, which would usually leap to her defence. 
‘It is the left that traditionally defends secularism in this country,’ he said. ‘It saddens me that it has not done so in this case.’ 
‘She has been stuck at home for two weeks without being able to go to school. She is only a teenager and the sky has fallen on her head.
Her Attorney is absolutely wrong. It is not the Left who defends Free Speech now. The Left constantly for draconian cutbacks on speech, while the Right defends free speech.

The Left loves to credit themselves for being brave warriors of Freedom.

The ONLY reason this attorney cares about Free Speech in this case is because this girl is a young person of the Left who was under the delusion to says ISLAM IS A SHIT RELIGION.

I defend her right to say that, even though she is not on my side on my other issues. In fact, I defend her right to say horrible things on subjects I hold to be sacred.

I don't give a fuck what she believes. She has a right to say whatever is on her mind.

That's how it's supposed to work, Lefties.


  1. Everybody on both sides claims to care about women, but we have no right to our minds or our bodies or to chart the course of our own lives, take your pick.

    The Left has utterly abandoned and turned upon women who stand up to Islam. "Woke" females whore what is left of their minds out to males -- there are no Muslim "men" -- who take a perverted child-rapist as their "prophet" in the hopes of going to a bordello paradise where they will spend eternity screwing renewable virgin-whores. It is beyond contempt and when one points that out the flying monkeys swarm and call names and strive to ruin one's life.

    Trump isn't perfect but he MUST win in November or this darkness will descend completely and who knows what it will take to bring us out again.

  2. Yep.

    He is not perfect. He has sided with Sunnis against Shia.

    But he is the strong horse and that is weakening Sunni Jihad, imo.
