
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Iran's Health Minister gives press conference to downplay the dangers of cornoavirus; The health minister is himself diagnosed with coronavirus shortly thereafter

Iran's Health Minister gives press conference to downplay the dangers of cornoavirus; The health minister is himself diagnosed with coronavirus shortly thereafter
Iran's deputy HEALTH minister tests positive for coronavirus after looking shaky and unwell while he played down outbreak's dangers - as death toll rises to 15 and cases are exported around the Middle East 
Iran's deputy health minister Iraj Harirchi was placed into quarantine after testing positive for coronavirus 
Comes a day after he sweated his way through a press conference while insisting outbreak is under control 
Iran has officially declared 95 cases and 15 deaths, but there are fears that the true number is much higher Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged Iran to 'tell the truth' and cooperate with health officials over the virus.
Coronavirus experts begin panicking, saying that our current containment strategies will fail.

Italy is now on the verge of a pandemic.

San Francisco declares local emergency amid coronavirus outbreak

Americans should prepare for coronavirus crisis in U.S., CDC says.

Wuhan’s easing of coronavirus lockdown measures lasted all of three hours. “The confusion over the lockdown measures suggest ongoing divisions between local governments and the central government in Beijing in managing the crisis.”


  1. Ponder this possibility.

    Say Corona-chan is actually just a standard annual influenza that under normal circumstances would have run its course and claimed its victims unremarked. Perhaps the death toll would have actually been light by flu standards.

    But the Chinese government's over-the-top response (perhaps initially fearing that a bio-weapon research program got loose) set off a world wide panic way out of proportion to the actual danger.

    IOW the panic, not the virus, is the pandemic.

    A mass scale global overreaction with attendant interruption of commerce and supply would likely lead to a much greater world wide death toll than the flu itself.

    That seems to be the gamble the Trump admin is willing to take. Meanwhile the desperate and evil Dems are rooting for the virus.

  2. So far, the number of deaths to the number of diagnosed cases is no worse than the flu, if I am not mistaken.

  3. Yet another potential political factor in play (see twitter thread):

    1)Earlier today Dr. Nancy Messonnier, an official in the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), held a conference call with media and pushed a panic narrative around the Coronvirus that ran counter to the Trump administration.

    Odd Coincidence – Rogue CDC Official Pushing Coronavirus Panic Button is Rod Rosenstein’s Sister…
