
Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Only 4 of Glasgow’s 71 Muslim Refugee Child Rapists Have Gone to Prison

From Daniel Greenfield:

2011 report in the Evening Times documented the story of a teenage girl who had been abused and prostituted by a man named Nasir.
“One minute I was a normal teenage girl, the next, I was being forced to have sex with these old men,” she revealed. “I had never even kissed a boy before – they completely took my innocence from me.”
Nasir raped her in front of his fellow gang members while they recorded the assault on their cell phones. After she was prostituted, harassment by the gang forced her family to flee from Glasgow’s immigrants.
In 2011, Operation Cotswold was set up to focus on the Muslim refugees who were abusing young girls in care homes, facilities for children from broken families.
The police identified 26 potential victims, but no one was prosecuted.
In 2013, Operation Dash tracked the role of Muslim taxi services and fast food places in the grooming and sexual abuse of young girls. It focused on the Strathclyde area, a center of the city's Pakistani population going back decades. That was where the police had launched and then shuttered Operation Gather a decade earlier because its focus on Muslim gangs had been deemed politically incorrect.
Operation Dash found that girls as young as 10 years old were being abused. 84 victims were identified and 27 suspects were reported. Only three were reportedly actually sent to prison.
And only one, Javaid Akhond, a refugee from Afghanistan working in a fast food place, was named.
Akhond got only 6 years in prison for grooming and sexually abusing a 12-year-old girl, grooming and sexually abusing her 13-year-old friend, sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl, and then, raping a 16-year-old girl who tried to intervene. Then, once he was locked up, he tried to pressure the 15-year-old from prison to name him officially as the father of her child so that he could avoid deportation from Scotland.
The Muslim refugee, like many foreign criminals, was hoping to rely on EU rules that prevent the deportation of even the worst criminals if they have left behind a child in a European country.
The Muslim refugee gangs aren’t just raping young girls, they’re using them as asylum requests.
In a familiar pattern, Cotswold and Dash turned up over 100 victims, but very few actual results.
Operation Cerrar, the latest successor to these operations, identified 56 members of a Glasgow grooming gang. The perpetrators were Pakistani, Iraqi, Egyptian, Turkish, and Moroccan refugees.
44 girls were abused by these refugees. Many were abused many times. Including one who was assaulted by 28 of the perpetrators and another by 23 of them.
14 of the abusers have been deported. Only 1 is in prison.
The police kept the investigation and its results secret. With results like these, it’s easy to see why.
After three investigations that have taken place over a decade with 154 identified victims, and at least 71 perpetrators, there have been seemingly only four actual prison sentences.
And the only one that has been made public amounted to a slap on the wrist.

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