
Thursday, March 26, 2020

German Professor of Infectious Disease Says Hysterical Reaction of Governments (Lockdowns Shutting Down Whole Nations) Is a Senseless Tragedy, Reaction is "Grotesque, Absurd, and Very Dangerous"

I think this guy might be measuring the actual impact of Coronavirus a little too lightly.

But I think his point is important, and more reasonable than the hysteria being spread by the Government-Media/Academia Complex.



Click on "CC" at the bottom of the video screen to get captions.

Listen to what he says, "We know the virus spreads very rapidly, perhaps because it is relatively harmless and healthy infected individuals spread it unknowingly."

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history. 
What he says: 
We are afraid that 1 million infections with the new virus will lead to 30 deaths per day over the next 100 days. But we do not realise that 20, 30, 40 or 100 patients positive for normal coronaviruses are already dying every day. 
[The government’s anti-COVID19 measures] are grotesque, absurd and very dangerous […] The life expectancy of millions is being shortened. The horrifying impact on the world economy threatens the existence of countless people. 
The consequences on medical care are profound. Already services to patients in need are reduced, operations cancelled, practices empty, hospital personnel dwindling. All this will impact profoundly on our whole society. 
All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide based on nothing but a spook.

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