
Sunday, April 26, 2020

IS THIS TRUE? Something is Fishy in China


  1. Check this out:

    CNN removed the August 11th, 1993 Larry King Episode from Google Play, the episode featuring a call from Tara Reade's mother. CNN is actively colluding with the Biden campaign to cover up evidence of Biden's sexual assault.

  2. AOW, i dont' know what you mean by a gentic marker on the virus. What are you implying?

  3. Anonyous,
    I saw that about CNN. I think Youtube removed it too.

  4. A genetic marker essentially means that the virus targets a specific race/ethnic group.

    I am implying that the virus attacks a non-Asian person much worse than an Asian person.

    As I understand a genetic marker, it can be a timed marker.

    Does the above clear up what I meant?

  5. Yes,

    If that is the case, it would seem that would be easy enough to figure out, right?

    But not in this political climate.

    The points made in this video i posted are easily enough refuted, if they are not true. But I haven't seen them refuted.
