
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

NOT AS GOOD AS IT SOUNDS: Board of Supervisors, Orange County, California Votes Unanimously To Re-Open Business

ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. - The Orange County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted 5-0 Tuesday afternoon on guidelines required to reopen businesses to ensure the safety of the public. The guidelines set by Chairwoman Michelle Steel and Supervisor Don Wagner were approved by the board will act as a model for Orange County to transition back to a normal state of activity, officials said. 
According to the board, "All the recommendations follow the Orange County Health Care Agency and do not supersede any conflicting or more restrictive orders issued by local governments, the State of California, or the Federal Government."
If it doesn't conflict with more restrictive guidelines put out by Governor Gavin Newsom then this vote wasn't worth shit.

Governor Newsom is a Junior Dictator, a wannabe Fidel Castro.

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