
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Madison, Wisconsin: Protestors Tear Down Statues of Civil War Heroes Who Fought To End Slaverry

The Wisconsin State Journal reports that Wisconsin's Forward statue has been torn down and left in the street; the statue of a Union Colonel who died fighting to end slavery torn down and thrown into Lake Monona; a Democrat State Senator was punched in the face because he tried to take a picture; and while all this happened there were "few if any cops in sight." 
Please remember: Stay Home, Save Lives. We're all in this together. Flatten the curve. Get tested. In this pandemic. The protests are mostly peaceful. 
"Protesters set their sights on another statue, one of Col. Hans Christian Heg at the top of King Street, tore it down and dragged it into Lake Monona. Heg was a Norwegian immigrant and journalist who died of his wounds at the Battle of Chickamauga fighting to preserve the United States and end slavery. 
The destruction continued as the night unfolded with few if any cops in sight."

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