
Saturday, June 27, 2020

Ventura County, California: Journalist Chews Out Politicians Over Coronavirus Restrictions, "CAN YOU EVEN DO BASIC MATH?"


  1. We need as many people as possible to make this kind of a stand, because it is becoming obvious that the power-made pols, especially the Dems, will continue to manipulate the WuFlu stats as needed in order to continue the disruptions caused by the lockdowns, enforced mask-wearing -- including now by children returning to schools in September -- as long as it continues to be politically useful. In other words, indefinitely.

  2. The Denver airport mural painted in 1994. Tell me this is not weird, how far do they plan this stuff in advance?

  3. You are the second person who has shown this to me.

    I have found no evidence that this painting is actually in the Denver airport.
