
Thursday, September 03, 2020

H1N1 and the Government-Mandated Pandemic and Vaccine Scam

This brilliant short video from the Children’s Health Defense concisely summarises the corrupt tragedy of the H1N1 vaccine, and how that situation should serve as a warning to the whole world today.

A brief summary:

Governments all over the world sign “sleeping contracts” with pharmaceutical firms to buy flu vaccines in the event of a pandemic.

In 2009 the World Health Organization changed its official definition of “pandemic” to a much looser one (with no requirement for anyone to have died).

Just weeks later they declared the H1N1 flu a “pandemic”, despite minuscule numbers of deaths

This triggered sleeping contracts worth billions.

Governments were legally obliged to buy up and distribute untested flu vaccines.

The vaccines caused serious, life-long side effects in over 1300 children.

Legal immunity meant no pharmaceutical firm paid any compensation, instead reparations were paid by taxpayers

Many of the scientists who advised the WHO declare a pandemic were later revealed to have financial interests in vaccine manufacturers.

This shocking recent history has been totally memory-holed in the mainstream, but serves as a dress rehearsal for our current “crisis”.

Watch the video, share it widely. It has, quite obviously, never been more important or more relevant.

1 comment:

  1. I remember it well!

    We had a great family doctor back then, and he wouldn't vaccinate his patients. "Too risky!" he said.
