The paranoids out there who said that this was always the left's gameplan? That the whole "covid lockdown" gambit was just a trial run for a permanent police state lockdown of the population?
(A lockdown for all but the high officials of the Inner Party, that is.)Those who said the game was always to free prisoners and imprison free men?
Collect your winnings.
You were 100% right.
"The Paranoids."
That would be me.
Here's what I was posting way back in the third and fourth week of March:
So, what is my theory again?
THE CORONAVIRUS PROPHECIES: Battle of the Billionaires
One way the Coronavirus Prophecies*** can be understood is as a war between competing world visions - Globalism vs Nationalism - with Billionaires facing off in a kind of Mutual Assured Destruction.
The Globalists decided to wage Economic Warfare against the Nationalists by inventing a worldwide Virus hysteria that requires us all to stay in our houses.
This puts a huge crushing weight on the marketplace. The marketplace is probably functioning at about 70% right now. People need food and essentials, but we don't need to go to movies, amusement parks, Casinos, vacations, Massage businesses, etc.
When you look at that list, you realize Trump and the Nationalists actually have the upper hand. Those businesses are the purview of the Ultra Left. Most of the people in those businesses have a Globalist mindset dominated by the worship of Gaia, and airy-fairy New Age bullshit.
The people in the essential industries, banking, packaging, Construction (New medical offices, hospitals, etc), home repair, AC and Heating, are more likely to be salt of the Earth types, and, yes, Nationalists.
So, how long can the Billionaires train their weapons at each other before one blinks?
*** I've decided to call the current virus hysteria "The Coronavirus Prophecies" because it requires a religious faith; a deep belief in apocalypse, and a lack of Hope.
Another Big Picture Takeaway From The Coronavirus Message
Previously, I have stated that there are three big picture takeaways - or, things we learn - from the Coronavirus panic of 2020.
1) Stay in your home
2) Get all information from the internet
3) The Government will take care of you
I realized there is a fourth:
4) The Government is more important than the people - government employees are not losing their paychecks.Government offices may shut down, but the government workers are continuing to get paid.
Meanwhile, small businesses who are being forced to shut down, or curtail hours, are likely to end up going out of business.
People are being told not to report to work. Many are not going to receive paychecks.
Families will lose their life savings. Families will lose their homes.
And Joseph reduced the people to servitude.
ReplyDeleteBehold, the power of government. We would do well to ask for Christ to return. He is a better king than our elite and political class.
Makes sense.
ReplyDeleteI caught on about a month later and bow to everyone who woke up earlier than that. Had lots of friends who should know better who bought the "only til we flatten the curve" b.s. and others who guessed the handshake ban a year early. I used to think I was pretty good at predicting leftard government evil, but I never really expected to find myself living in what feels like the malign ghost of some Eastern European Soviet satellite country from the '80s.
ReplyDeleteBut since I don't believe in your "King" I guess looking forward to "His" sending me and those like me who don't share your "faith" to burn in eternal Hell will make up for it. Just wanted you to know how it feels knowing you hate us more than the damn Marxists.
What handshake ban ?
ReplyDeleteHave I missed something?