
Saturday, November 14, 2020

Biden Covid Advisor: We Need a Fresh 4-6 Week Lockdown Anthony Fauci: America's "Independent Spirit" Must End, "Now Americans Must Do What You're Told"



Is this what people voted for? 
Funny I don't remember Biden promising lockdowns. 
I remember him promising that he, personally, would wear a mask. And that he'd do all the things Trump was already doing. 
Now it is revealed: the plan was always lockdowns for months. 
Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden, said that a 4-6 week lockdown that shut down businesses and compensated workers for lost wages may curb the spread of the virus and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed. 
Did you catch that? A 4-6 week lockdown will "get the economy on track"? 
Shutting the economy down will get the economy "on track"? 
The economy that grew 31% last quarter? 
The economy that is adding a million jobs per month as we come out of the lockdowns? 
You're going to get that economy on track with another month and a half of lockdowns? 
"We could pay for a package right now to cover all of the wages, lost wages for individual workers, for losses to small companies, to medium-sized companies or city, state, county governments," Osterholm said. 
"If we did that, then we could lock down for four to six weeks." Large companies aren't on that list -- but governments are. 
Earlier this week, Osterholm said that the United States is heading towards "Covid hell," and said that people's growing unwillingness to wear masks and socially distance was due to "pandemic fatigue," according to CNBC. 
Biden himself has talked up new lockdowns, as well as a "national mask mandate." Joe Biden announced his plans to fight the Coronavirus pandemic on Monday. 
Joe Biden's plans include a mandatory mask mandate (unconstitutional), nationwide lockdowns (unconstitutional), Covid testing and contact tracing and restoring the US's relationship with the corrupt, Chinese-controlled WHO. ... 
President Trump warned the public about Joe Biden's radical agenda to lock down the country. "This election is a choice between a Trump boom and a Biden lockdown," Trump said during a rally in Arizona. 
Joe Biden actually said he would lock down the US if he were to win the election. 
Lockdown Joe's communications director refuses to answer whether or not Lockdown Joe has more lockdowns in mind.



  1. It only works if you cooperate with their plan. Now is the time for courage.

  2. Most Biden supporters didn't give a damn what they voted for -- except that they voted to oust the hated Trump.

    Damn, I'm sick of politics.

  3. President Trump warned the public about Joe Biden's radical agenda to lock down the country. "This election is a choice between a Trump boom and a Biden lockdown," Trump said during a rally in Arizona.

    Another of Trump's "prophecies."

  4. Yes, AOW. My old co-host on IBA Radio Show and I were talking the other day about how no lefties actually like Biden. No one. The whole vote is either for America, or against Trump. That's it.
