
Monday, November 02, 2020

"Do We Have Any Plans On How To Respond If There Is a Coup?"


  1. There is only one plan people.

    If we're going to do "Anything Goes", we're going to do my version of it, and I swear to GOD none of the rest of you will like it.

  2. The response starts locally.

    States secede.

    Military men pick sides.

    Then we organize a counter revolution.

    Shoot any of our neighbors or family memebers that support the coup.

    Cut off the coup supporting cities from food and electricity.

    Replenish the tree of Liberty with their blood.

    Or accept our new socialist masters and hang on to our scraps of freedom until we die.

    Revolution is a young mans game ..... and thats not trending too well either.

  3. You may be right. You certainly tend toward the negative with consistency, and, given the trends of the past 40 years, you've been right more than wrong.

  4. In a burst of positivity ...... I dont see a coup coming.

    Just another election where half the people Win and half the people lose..... and accept their loss.

    You cant really have a coup without Military participation. And even Military brass would be divided, but I certainly dont see soldiers defending a coup.

    Bush Vs Gore ..... the losing side accepted the Supreme Court's decision.

    In any case, the incumbent has the advantage of being commander in chief and his people at the control of most levers of power.

    The Dem's street soldiers are only tough when no one is shooting back at them. They may try some thuggish shit but will disperse quickly when the bullet start whizzing by their heads.

    You may have enclaves of resistance such as Portland, but that can be starved into submission in a couple of weeks.

    This is all assuming Trump wins and the left refuses to accept it. The other scenario .... Trump loses and wont leave .... same thing. Trump's support will evaporate for the most part and I would imagine could be escorted from the building without bloodshed.

    I'm really not too worried about any of that.

  5. LOL

    You write - The Dem's street soldiers are only tough when no one is shooting back at them. They may try some thuggish shit but will disperse quickly when the bullet start whizzing by their heads.

    I respond - this is why i said you were being negative. In the last comment you said, "Revolution is a young mans game ..... and thats not trending too well either."

    I took that to mean, you think our side is too old. You have always known our side has the guns and the training, but perhaps you think were too old to have the necessary level of ferocity.

    I doubt that to be true.

    But, you are right most of the time, so if that's what you think, it really does make me feel more pessimistic.
