
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

For Those Who Are Tempted to Side With "Tough Guy" General Mattis

 James Mattis: Joe Biden Must ‘Eliminate “America First”’ From U.S. Foreign Policy


  1. Mattis is a bought man who answers to the Military Industrial Complex. I expect to see his enthusiastic support for the Great Reset. I wonder how much they paid for him? Likely he sold out for a lot less than the Chinese paid for Biden.

  2. The military brass has grown accustomed to cashing in their stars for a lucrative second career in procurement. Plus some side gigs on the networks as military "analysts".

  3. You can say that again, and I am not just referring to the PSYOPS "special operation" involving trafficking of women to politicians and other influentials that was partially uncovered some decades back.

    "Mad Dog's" nickname, it would seem, was apt in ways we did not foresee.
