
Sunday, November 01, 2020

Sam Harris: ‘Osama bin Laden is far more understandable to me and far less reprehensible than Trump’

I'm Having Trouble Thinking

Sam Harris may not believe in Gods but if someone asked him to describe Satan, it can be safely said that he will draw a portrait of Donald Trump. Sam Harris, renowned as one of the ‘New Atheist Movement’ and a self-professed ‘rationalist’, said during the 30th October, 2020 edition of his Making Sense podcast that notorious Islamic terrorist Osama bin Laden appears less reprehensible to him than US President Donald Trump. The section of the podcast where he said it is available only to subscribers and was shared by popular political commentator Mike Cernovich. 
In the audio clip shared by Cernovich, Sam Harris can be heard saying, “Osama bin Laden, as a person, is far more understandable to me and far less reprehensible, personally, psychologically, than Trump.” The entire context of the conversation is not yet known but that is not entirely necessary as the atheist has said the same thing in the past as well. 
In an audio clip uploaded to his Facebook account on the 19th of February, he explains his position in detail. Sam Harris says, “I find Trump more despicable than I found Osama bin Laden… With Osama bin Laden, it’s just obvious to me that he could have been a mensch in some sense, right? He’s making serious sacrifices for ideas that he deeply believes in. He’s committed to a cause greater than himself.” 
The deluded atheist continued, “I don’t doubt he had real ethical connections to the people in his life that he cared about. He’s a real person, right? And in some ways, he is kind of a moral hero in a very bad game. And so therefore, he’s kind of prototypically evil when viewed from my game. he’s a person of actual substance- he’s just committed to the wrong ends, whereas Trump is the negation of all those things.” 
It is bizarre for Sam Harris to claim that Donald Trump does not have ‘real ethical connections’ with the people in his life. It only reveals the extent of dehumanization of Donald Trump that dominates liberal discourse in the United States. Liberals appear to genuinely believe that Trump is not even human and is not a ‘real person’ in some sense. 
It is thus quite clear that ‘peak rational atheist’ Sam Harris believes that Donald Trump, under whose administration historic peace deals were signed between sworn enemies in the Middle East, is more reprehensible than the Islamic terrorist who brought down the Twin Towers and unleashed death, destruction and carnage across the world.


  1. Sam Harris is a jerk. I know you Christians in your infinite charity will use him to claim that all we atheists are the same and it's no use arguing the contrary to you. I'm just making the statement. If they'd asked the same of the late Christopher Hitchens, to whose utter shredding of Islam I refer you, they'd have had a very different answer. Please recall that your gods allowed OBL to engineer the burning and crushing to death of nearly 3,000 innocent people, but I know there's always a Holy Reason for that.

  2. I know you are nothing like Sam Harris. Neither is Bosch Fawstin, or a number of other Libertarian Atheists who I consider to be like-minded friends.

    Don't jump to conclusions about me.

    And by the way, I was a fan of Christopher Hitchens, and I have his autobiography sitting here next to me on my shelf.
