Ben Stein: I had the COVID booster by Moderno four or five days ago and I am still feeling wild side effects from it like I have the worst flu in the world, extreme shortness of breath, dizziness, fatigue, extreme irrational thinking. And it has just been devastating.
Clearly Ben Stein is a domestic terrorist.
I intend to try for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine if I do decide to get 'the shot', as it does not require a booster and the latter seem to be the shots that result in the most severe side effects. I'm due for cataract surgery in a week and my surgeon is fine with my waiting until after to seek vaccination, so long as I monitor my temperature daily and have no symptoms, as the whole medical team has already been vaccination. The panicky scramble to get vaccination "appointments" in MA shows how much panicky thinking about the CHINA VIRUS still prevails.