
Sunday, April 04, 2021

China Is Lobbying the World Health Organization to Hire Them to Build an International System to Maintain Flyer Data Regarding Vaccines for Cross Border Travel

The China Virus

China launched a new domestic travel policy allowing more freedom to people who have received the vaccine. Now, Beijing wants the WHO’s approval to launch a global vaccine certification system for international travel because it can “help by sharing its experience with and provide technical support.” China believes it is “the most experienced country in using a health code system in the world.” 
Speaking to Aljazeera, a spokesperson for the Chinese foreign ministry said that a system would “help promote world economic recovery and facilitate cross-border travel.” 
“In terms of technology, I believe that Chinese companies can build an international platform in just one week, but it is better that the WHO, rather than any country or regional organization, be the organizer to ensure the independence, fairness and data security of the platform,” the Director General of Information Consumption Alliance, Xiang Ligang, told the Global Times, a state-run news outlet.


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