
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Joe Biden: Jan. 6 was “Worst Attack on Our Democracy Since the Civil War”


President Shit-For-Brains

"As I stand here tonight, we are just one day shy of the 100th day of my administration. 100 days since I took the oath of office—lifted my hand off our family Bible—and inherited a nation in crisis. The worst pandemic in a century. 

The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War."


  1. I assume by that the sleazy senile little s.o.b. means the theft of the presidency by his DeMarxocRat party? To what else could he possibly refer?

  2. Errr... I guess 9/11 counts for shit. It was an attack on our democratic Republic.

  3. I guess Pearl Harbor doesn't count either.
