
Saturday, May 15, 2021

ONTARIO, CANADA: Police Swarm Church, Expel Christians, Lock Them Out, Impose Massive COVID Fines

While Christian services are being increasingly targeted and shut down, citizen journalists have been filming mosques that are operating freely. 
As reported at RAIR, it is not unusual for Muslim Mayor Naheed Nenshi to make special exceptions for Islamic services. The YouTube page for the Church of God in Aylmer, Ontario featured a video of the police officers first waiting outside and then streaming into the church. 
As they arrived, one can hear singing in the church. It is unimaginable that police officers would agree to persecute Christians. Pastor Hildebrant posted images of the police in his church, saying in part that his congregation was “ordered to vacate the building where we have met for decades to worship our Lord.” 
“Our government right now is allowing unelected health officials to push our judges to make criminals out of law abiding citizens,” Pastor Hildebrandt said during his livestream.

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