
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Biotech Exec Mother Who Refuses To Vaccinate Her Child Has Custody Removed

Breaking: State Seizes Custody of Child Over Vaccination in Boston


  1. Comply or remove your family from the jurisdiction.

    Land of the free.

    — theBuckWheat

  2. From the link:

    The legal system is insisting on vaccinating this 14-year-old. The mother is objecting, and she is a very senior biotech executive, she is highly informed. She has made a decision not to vaccinate her child based on the data, and the courts have removed custody and trying to force the child to accept vaccination.

    The state is a monstrosity.

    Just like Islam's forced conversion.

  3. Coercion is coercion.

    As long as our Western governments are behaving like this, there is no reason to put a spotlight on Islam, or even China, though they may have done this on purpose.

    It seems our governments may be in on it, at least out of ignorance.
