
Friday, August 13, 2021

Is This True?


“I’ve mentioned this before.. EVERY TIME a new variant is discussed it miraculously goes for a targeted age group.. which happens to be the next in line for the experimental vaccine.. NOW DO YOU GET IT.. DO YOU GET IT YET??? viruses don’t fucking work like that in nature, they just don’t. Pick up any God damn microbiology book????? 

first it went for elderly.. we vaccinated
then older adults.. we vaccinated
then younger adults.. we vaccinated
then its coming for the teenagers.. we vaccinated

BUT NOWWW the freaking little children are at risk?? Because they are next on the list for the vaccine. THINK LOGICALLY, thats all I’m asking. Stop thinking fear based and look at the reality of what they are doing to our freaking children”


From 680 News Ontario:

York Region’s Medical Officer of Health says most new COVID-19 cases in the public health unit are in those who are unvaccinated, including a significant increase in children under 12 who can’t get the vaccine.

Dr. Karim Kurji says some of them are being infected at home from families who have not yet received a vaccine.

“We are seeing a resurgence of these COVID-19 cases in York Region with our case counts in recent days very similar to those we were experiencing at the peak of the first wave of the pandemic,” Kurji told 680 NEWS in an interview on Monday.

“We are expecting this increase will continue into the fall.”

Ontario is reporting 325 new cases of COVID-19 and no additional deaths on Monday.


  1. Why this huge push to force EVERYONE to get vaccinated?


    Exerting power?

    Something else, something along dystopian sci-fi lines?

  2. AOW, there may be more specific underlying reasons, but I think the push for ever increasing power through fear and pressure is the main motivation at the moment. Somebody once said, "Don't bother to examine a folly, ask only what it accomplishes." Look at how it has empowered the socialist takeover. How much of what the Left has gained over the past year and a half would have been possible without the terror tactic of the CCP-19 virus?

    "Dystopian sci-fi"? At this point I don't put a hell of a lot past them if it is possible and will enable their aims.

  3. Best explanation I've heard is that if everyone is vaccinated there will be no "control group" with which to compare whether the vaxxed or unvaxxed fared better in the long run.

  4. RRA,
    Look at how it has empowered the socialist takeover. How much of what the Left has gained over the past year and a half would have been possible without the terror tactic of the CCP-19 virus?

    Excellent point.

    The damage is extensive -- no doubt about that!
