
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Kabul's collapse is a warning for Israel

Ben-Dror Yemini warns with valid reason that what happened in Afghanistan this week could very easily happen in Israel tomorrow:
While for Americans Afghanistan is oceans away, Israel finds itself in a more precarious position.

With Hezbollah to the north and Hamas to the south, the Taliban are just a few border crossings away.

There are those in the U.S. willing to dismiss nearly half a million dead in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the $6.4 trillion – an amount equal France's annual GDP – that went up in smoke. While they may assert that "an agreement" will make everything okay, Israel has no such option.

Anyone seeking to understand what will now happen to Afghanistan - and probably Iraq in the near future - should take a look at the Gaza Strip as a test case.

The images of Taliban militants marching victoriously through the streets of Kabul will only whet the appetites of their acolytes, wherever they may be.

If they are successful in bringing the world's most powerful nation to its knees, everyone else should be a mere pushover.

This massive geopolitical shift affects Israel directly. There is no need for most Palestinians to support Hamas or Sharia law. All that it takes is one fanatical fundamentalist group with boundless determination, regardless of public support or lack thereof.

With the Taliban defeating the Soviet Union and now the U.S., the implicit conclusion is that without Israel's security control, Ramallah - the West Bank seat of power for the Palestinian Authority - will fall to Hamas much faster than Kabul fell.
Except that even now, the PLO is already evil enough themselves. All that'll happen is one evil will fall to another one. And it's a danger that is entirely capable of happening, if nobody acts responsibly, and campaigns to stop the horror that's bound to occur, surely much sooner than one thinks.

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