
Saturday, October 02, 2021

Israel is negating ALL Covid passes for everyone unless they had their third shot

From Sunday all Green Passes currently in use will expire and Israelis eligible for new ones must get them reissued. 
Who is eligible for the new pass, and how can they get it? 
The rules for Israel’s proof of vaccination pass – called the Green Pass – will change this Sunday with new regulations determining who is eligible for the pass. From Sunday, all Green Passes currently in use will expire and those eligible for new passes must get them reissued. 
In general, the new eligibility rules stipulate that those reissuing their Green Pass must have received their third jab of the coronavirus vaccine, or their second dose in the past 6 months. In some stickier situations, keep reading for information on the specifics. 
As of Thursday, some 1.6 million Israelis who are entitled to receive the third dose of the coronavirus vaccine still have not done so, meaning they will be ineligible for the new green passport. 
The new Green Pass documents will include a digital signature, which business owners are supposed to scan before granting holders entry.

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