
Monday, November 01, 2021

Germany: Due to massive side effects, the University Hospital of Münster has now stopped the booster vaccinations for its employees

Another scandal is brewing concerning the supposedly “safe” and “effective” Corona vaccines: As the Saxon Vaccination Commission (Stiko) has now announced or revised, the Covid-19 vaccine from Moderna is now only recommended for people over 30. 
So far, we know the numbers game from vaccines like AstraZeneca and Co., where age recommendations, especially for older people, were repeatedly revised upwards or downwards seemingly at will. 
The fatal thing is that the vaccine, which apparently leads to massive complications and side effects in younger people, may already be vaccinated to 12-year-old children. 
The Stiko says: “The background to this is the latest studies from October, which indicate a somewhat greater increase in heart muscle and pericardial inflammation in adolescents and young adults.” 
These side effects have allegedly not yet been proven in people over 30 years of age.”This is purely a precautionary measure. We are reacting to the latest scientific findings and a resulting recommendation of the vaccination commission,” says Saxon Health Minister Petra Köpping ( Social Democratic Party of Germany), who continues to propagate the Corona vaccination despite these questionable findings. 
After all, “it protects against severe courses of corona” (in the past, it was said to protect against infection in general), so what does a damaged heart as a side effect of the vaccination matter? 
Due to massive side effects, the University Hospital Münster has now stopped the booster vaccinations for its employees. The official reason for this is “an unusually high number of vaccination reactions”. It had to be feared that more staff would be absent because of the vaccination reactions than the duty rosters could cope with.


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