
Tuesday, January 04, 2022

CANADA: Doctor Who Exposed Stillbirth Explosion in 'Vaccinated' Moms Locked Up In Psychiatric Facility


In November, Dr. Melvin Bruchet and his friend, Dr. Daniel Nagase, filed criminal charges against elected and appointed Candian government officials in British Columbia over a possible conflict of interest regarding provincial lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and vaccine passports. 
The doctors exposed a severe spike in stillbirths at a Vancouver hospital. The women were injected with the experimental Covid “vaccine” in all cases. 
In December 2021, the Canadian government targeted Dr. Melvin Bruchet and unlawfully placed him in detention against his will. Stillbirths Explode in Canada 
In November 2021, RAIR Foundation USA reported that stillbirths in fully “vaccinated” women are exploding in Canada, ….in Waterloo, Ontario, 86 cases have been reported in six months, compared to typically five to six per year, says doctor Daniel Nagase. 
“That is highly unusual.” 
At Lions Gate Hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia, 13 stillbirths were recorded over 24 hours, reported the doctor. 
Until recently, Dr. Nagase worked at an Alberta hospital but said he was fired after treating three covid patients with ivermectin at the Rimbey Hospital and Care Centre.” 
Soviet Style Detention 
On December 8, Dr. Bruchet had an argument with a tenant over loud music in his apartment building (a relatively common occurrence). 
It is unclear whether the tenant reported him as a candidate for the mental health act or someone else. 
Suddenly, Dr. Bruchet was targeted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). While Dr. Nagase was being interviewed in his home, three RCMP squad cars and six RCMP officers descended on Dr. Bruchet and hauled him off in handcuffs for a “psych evaluation.”

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