
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Cruise Missile Hits Airport in Ukraine

NEVER FEAR: THE WOKE PENTAGON has activated the transvestite brigade. They are also conscripting the trannys swim team who had great success defeating biological woman. They are expecting the same results after they are sent to Ukraine.

Russia has reportedly started to launch long-range missiles toward Ukraine and has aircraft en route to carry out additional strikes during the initial hours of the early morning full-scale invasion into Ukraine.

"Ukrainian officials said an initial wave of strikes targeted military installations, airfields and government facilities across the country, as well as border force installations. Ukraine's border service said its troops came under attack all along the country's frontiers with Russia and Belarus," The Wall Street Journal reported.

"Kyiv didn't immediately offer any official estimate of casualties. But a senior Ukrainian official said he believed hundreds of Ukrainian soldiers had died in Russian airstrikes and missile attacks that began at 5 a.m. local time."Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, tweeted out details of the attack seemingly before they were reported elsewhere.

"Russian aircraft are now en route to conduct additional targeted strikes on a number of key defense sites through all of Ukraine," Rubio wrote. "Long range missile launches from #Russia are now underway[.] They are headed towards various pre-selected military sites throughout Ukraine.

My comment? Not much, but I will say this:

Mitt Romney and much of the media are blaming Trump, somehow.

It seems tacitly absurd.

At this point, however, it seems to me the invasion of Ukraine puts us on the precipice of something so huge and dangerous that partisan concerns pale.

I know that, immediately, partisanship will set in, and that it is a necessary force in our Democracy. 

But me? I'm just standing here going, "Wow! WTF is this? The beginning of WWIII?"

My magic 8 ball tells me we are going to Ukraine. 

You got that guys?

The US will be sending the armed forces to Ukraine. 

How does that work? Are we going to go up against Russia one on one?

And what will China do?

What do you think?

China quietly developing military bases in Pacific islands

Does any of this sound familiar?

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