
Thursday, May 12, 2022

National Science Teachers Association Holds Seminar on "Queering Your Classroom" Advising Teachers to Refer to Students As "People With Penises" or "People Who Can Get People Pregnant;" Course Is Recommended for Kindergarten Teachers

The thing that the leftwing corporate propaganda press keeps telling me isn't happening somehow keeps on happening.

From last week: This extremely gay groomer has advice for teachers (and I think he's a teacher himself): if a "trans" student isn't "presenting" as trans enough -- that is, he isn't showily, outrageously trans -- then that must mean his parents just aren't "supportive" of his trans-ness, and that means the teacher must be more supportive, more "affirming, of his trans-ness, encouraging him to be more transgresssive, deviant, and weird. GO READ THE WHOLE THING.