
Thursday, July 14, 2022

Pope Sends Message to European Youth – Consume Less Fuel and Eat Less Meat – Doesn’t Mention Jesus Once!


The Pope’s message to the youth of Europe is to consume less fuel and meat. Pope Francis shared a message with the youth in Europe and he shared a couple of surprising messages.

Here are excertps: 

 It’s now up to you to present the world with a new face of Europe. 
Regarding the origin of the name “Europe”, there are still no certain explanations. Among the various hypotheses, one is particularly suggestive: it goes back to the Greek words eurús ops, meaning “wide eye”, evoking the ability to see ahead and beyond. Europa, a mythological figure who made the gods fall in love with her, was called “the wide-eyed maiden”. 
So I also think of you, young Europeans, as people with a wide, open gaze, capable of looking ahead and beyond. [Why is the Pope talking about the gods of love and not Jesus Christ?] 
Perhaps you have heard of the initiative, launched in September 2019, called the Global Compact on Education. It is an alliance between educators around the world to educate the younger generations in fraternity. 
Seeing, however, how our world is being led by adults and elders, it seems that perhaps you should be the ones to educate adults in fraternity and peaceful coexistence! 
There is an urgent need to reduce the consumption not only of fossil fuels but also of so many superfluous things. In certain areas of the world, too, it would be appropriate to consume less meat: this too can help save the environment.


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