
Monday, July 25, 2022

Soros Open Society Foundation Employee Brags About Having Sex with Multiple Men at Pride Event – Then Blames Government After Catching Monkeypox and Gonorrhea

Voted Most Likely To Get Anorectal Lesions 

In His High School Yearbook

Soros Open Society Foundation Employee Brags About Having Sex with Multiple Men at Pride Event – Then Blames Government After Catching Monkeypox and Gonorrhea

When New York Pride festivities kicked off on 24 June, I was aware that monkeypox was an emerging issue – especially for gay men – but I was also under the impression that the number of cases in the city was relatively small. What I didn’t understand was how absolutely dismal testing capacity was: at that point, the city only had capacity to process ten tests a day. 
I had sex with several guys over the weekend. Then a week later, on 1 July, I started feeling very fatigued. I had a high fever with chills and muscle aches, and my lymph nodes were so swollen they were protruding two inches out of my throat. 
I’m a 39-year-old man from Sweden, living in Brooklyn and working in philanthropy. For the past decade, my work has primarily focused on sexual and reproductive health and rights, so I followed the outbreak from the very beginning. I had even tried to get vaccinated when New York City launched an initial vaccination drive on 23 June. But like the vast majority of other New Yorkers who tried to get an appointment, I had no luck. 
Two days after my symptoms began, the rash started as anorectal lesions – painful sores on my anus and rectum. Initially it was a stinging, itchy feeling. I wasn’t scared at this point. I was told that it would be mild, and I was a completely healthy individual with no underlying conditions. But I had no idea how bad it was going to get.  
I developed lesions literally everywhere; they started out looking like mosquito bites before developing into pimply blisters that would eventually pop, then finally scab before leaving a scar. I had them on my skull, on my face, my arms, my legs, my feet, my hands, my torso, my back, and five just on my right elbow. 
At the peak, I had over 50 lesions, a fever of 103F and intense pain, prompting a panic attack. Ironically, the only place I didn’t have lesions was my penis. 
My anorectal lesions, which were already very painful, turned into open wounds. It felt like I had three fissures right next to each other, and it was absolutely excruciating. I would literally scream out loud when I went to the bathroom. Even keeping the area clean, like washing myself, was extremely painful. It was a two hour process each time. 
Four days after my test – I got a call from urgent care that I had tested positive for monkeypox. 
This whole thing just feels like a huge failure that should not have been allowed to happen, especially not two and half months into the outbreak. If someone like me, who has worked in sexual health for a long time, had such a hard time navigating care, I can’t imagine other people doing it. I know several people who are just sitting at home in agonizing pain because they’re not getting the support that they need.

The System failed him. 


  1. Poor baby.

    Monkeypox is a venereal disease, which They will try to turn into the next COVID.


    Never once does this man mention abstinence. Monkey pox is an entirely preventable event.

  3. GOD told Noah that GOD would never again destroy the earth with a flood, and GOD placed HIS [rain] Bow in the sky as a sign.

    GOD never did that with Sodom and Gomorrah, and GOD may not appreciate it that the symbol of HIS Bow has been coopted.

    JESUS later affirmed this by telling his disciples to shake the dust from their feet from any city that did not accept the word of GOD by saying "Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town." - Matthew 10:15

  4. Oh well, then, your god will take care of it all. Can't think why we even bother to worry about these things...

  5. The worry is taxpayer funding for Monkey Pox. I see the Biden administration intends to create a new position for this man-made crisis. Yet fifty percent of senior women live below the poverty line. Let grandma suffer. Invest in the monkey.

  6. Exactly. And yet the "Pride" boys who are spreading it insist that they "don't hate women"...
