
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

The finger-pointing has started in Austria for “who is responsible for covid vaccine injuries”


Austria now realizes that the covid vaccines are causing harm.  But, who do we blame for this?  Well, the Austrian health minister has decided that it is the HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS fault for this, because they did “not properly educate patients prior to getting the covid vaccine”.  This is a slippery slope, and one that ALL HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS should pay very close attention to.  Because at the end of all this, it is the providers who see patients that are backed into the corner.

Remember how this played out:  the CDC/FDA/Fauci stated that everyone should be vaccinated.  They pushed protocols and that every provider should recommend the vaccine.  They gave providers ZERO information about the side effects of the vaccine.  Vaccines were given without much information to gather true informed consent from the patient.  Then when patients started having side effects from the vaccine, providers were instructed that it cannot possibly be the vaccine, ignored that the vaccine was the potential cause, and that was the narrative they received from the CDC and powers that be.   If anyone dared to speak out against the vaccine, they were ridiculed, called crazy, threatened with being fired, license suspended, all of the above.  So what better scapegoat than the providers when its time to shift the blame game!  This is exactly what Austria is doing RIGHT NOW.

“In Austria the massive harm done to human life and health done by the Covid “vaccines” has resulted in the Austrian Minister of Health shifting responsibility to doctors who betrayed their medical responsibility to inform patients of the risks of the vaccine.

Of course, had doctors done so, they would have been punished for “spreading misinformation.” It was the Austrian government that tried to mandate coercive vaccination of every Austrian.”


This is actually heartening to me, because it means the government realizes they fucked up, and that they are potentially culpable, so they are blaming someone else.

This is when the war starts. This war will eventually assign responsibility for the terrible damage done.

It is possible that, ultimately, the governments, Physicians, and corporations will blame all of us individuals for being so stupid as to listen to them.

And there is a sense in which that is entirely appropriate.

But the good news is, the truth is gradually going to come out. 

And the people, in general, are going to realize they have a reason to be very, very angry.

Jennifer Brown gives her thoughts on the assignation of blame:

This is a slippery slippery slope we are seeing now.  We had covid vaccines made by the government who pushed the narrative out to vaccinate everyone.  Physicians and nurses and pharmacies promoted it as safe and effective.  With zero data to support that other than Fauci and the CDC saying so.  Coercion and scare tactics WERE used.  
I listened to colleagues in my office say MULTIPLE times that “the side effects of the vaccine are way better than catching covid”.  Yes.  Those words.  How did they know that?  They didn’t.  
So, who DOES liability fall on?  Pfizer for frauding the data and trials?  Hiding the bad and only cherry-picking the good data they got?  Or does liability fall on the Government for KNOWING the vaccine was not good but promoting it anyways?  Or does it fall on the physicians, nurses, health departments, hospitals and pharmacists who coerced, scared, refused care unless vaccinated, fired employees unless vaccinated, never discussed the negatives to the vaccine, etc?  
The classic argument from Austria physicians is “well if we spoke out they took our license”.  Well… abandoned your oath in healthcare when you never uttered this simple phrase: “we don’t really know the long term issues that could arise from this vaccine because it is an emergency use vaccine with no long term data”.  Because that is truthful.  It is not speaking OUT against the vaccine, it is being HONEST.  
And because that phrase was never given, INFORMED CONSENT did not happen.


  1. Simply stating there were no longitudinal studies regarding the vaccine is sufficient caution. No studies to show effect on the recipient over the long term. No efficacy data. No studies to follow the offspring.
