Former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams not only gives out ridiculous advice, but when anyone armed with facts that prove he’s wrong tries to challenge him, he ignores them or blocks them.
That is not how science is supposed to work.
I just got off the phone with Megan Mansell who is an expert on industrial hygiene including face masks and respirators. She told me she challenged former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams on his advice about face masks on Twitter.
Adams indignantly asked her for her qualifications.
She then rattled through her long list of qualifications. Suffice it to say, there are only a few people in America who are more qualified to speak on this subject than she is. And none of them will challenge what she says.
Adams, realizing he was talking to someone capable of calling him out, then did what any legitimate scientist would do when challenged: he blocked her on Twitter!
I am disgusted.