
Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Media Blackout: German Party Reveals Smoking Gun 'Vaccine' Data, Explosion of ‘Sudden and Unexpected’ Deaths

Thanks to Germany’s statistical tracking system for vaccine injuries, data scientists have been able to perform comparison studies for vaccine injuries of many types, comparing data from 2016 to the first quarter of 2022. 
And while under-reporting for Covid vaccines is likely by order of 90 percent, the German data collected before the administration of Covid mRNA vaccines allow for a useful comparison group before and after the start of this inoculation campaign. 
“We have come across various increases in 2021,” explains Martin Sichert, health policy spokesman for the AfD, the only German political party to oppose vaccine mandates. 
“In cancer cases, in cases of intestinal diseases, and so on. However, we also found figures that are so shocking that we said, I said, this has to be the focus of our press conference.” 
Sickert and his data analyst Tom Lausen found a massive increase in sudden and unexpected deaths. For nearly a year now, there have been anecdotal stories from insurance companies about the staggering increase in excess mortality figures. Still, the release of this data appears to be the first time correlated numbers confirm what on-the-ground stories have been telling us. 
“In 2017, there were 14 deaths per day. In 2018 there were 14 deaths per day. In 2019 there were 18 deaths per day. Then, in 2021 suddenly, there’s a jump to 97 deaths per day. 
"We have, in fact, since the first quarter of 2021, in each subsequent quarter, more ‘sudden and unexpected’ deaths than in all previous years combined. So that’s more than a quadrupling of ‘sudden and unexpected’ that we see here,” said Sickert. 
“It was completely unexpected and really shocking. So effectively, this means that 70 or more ‘sudden and unexpected’ deaths occurred per day.” 
This sounds much like the tally of vaccine injuries reported to the American system VAERS, which long ago surpassed the number of injuries reported for these Covid vaccines than for all injury reports for all other vaccines combined since reporting began. And that’s to say nothing of deaths.


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