
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Pro-LGBT judge actually rules against Muslim-sponsored suit against indoctrination in Maryland school

This may be a coincidence, but what we have here is a most interesting case wherein Muslims lose - certainly this time - against the forcing of LGBT indoctrination in Maryland's school system:
A U.S. District Court judge denied Maryland parents’ request Thursday for an order allowing them to opt their children out of instruction using LGBTQ “Pride Storybooks.”

Atheist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and other parents demanded the right to opt out of an LGBTQ book curriculum for pre-K through fifth grades in Montgomery County Public Schools, a Maryland school district just outside the nation’s capital.

Although Maryland law requires schools to allow parents to opt their children out of “all sexuality instruction” and to provide advance notice for such lessons, the new policy, adopted in March, excluded any opt-out right.

The parents sued, requesting a preliminary injunction to force the Montgomery County school system to restore the opt-out provision until the court fully resolves the case. Classes resume next Monday, so parents had hoped to secure the injunction before that date.

District Judge Deborah Boardman rejected the parents’ motion Thursday, ruling that they “have not shown that [the school district’s] use of the storybooks crosses the line from permissible influence to potentially impermissible indoctrination.”

Boardman, an appointee of President Joe Biden, ruled that Montgomery County Public Schools had not violated parents’ right to free exercise of religion under the First Amendment because, under the policy, “teachers will occasionally read one of the handful of books, lead discussions and ask questions about the characters, and respond to questions and comments in ways that encourage tolerance for different views and lifestyles.”
No doubt, this was unexpected for some. But again, while it may be a form of coincidence, a Democrat-appointed judge actually ruled against the Muslims, if anyone, even though there were Judeo-Christians and atheists involved in the lawsuit.

I do feel sorry for the Judeo-Christians that they have to cope with this awful indoctrination. Also the atheists. But when it comes to the Religion of Peace, seriously, it's hard to feel sorry for them when one considers what their belief system is built upon, which is little different - and easily worse - than LGBT ideology. Some could say the Mohammedans and LGBT ideologues deserve each other.

The Muslims might vote Republican in response to this. But that still doesn't mean we should approve of their ideology any more than LGBT ideology, and Judeo-Christians/athiests shouldn't associate or work in cooperation with them to battle against this current 5th column tyranny.

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