
Thursday, November 16, 2023

Reanalysis of the Society of Actuaries Group Life COVID-19 Mortality Survey Report Destroys Vaccine Efficacy Narrative

 The Society of Actuaries (SOA) Research Institute's recent mortality survey report shows alarming excess mortality statistics as many people quickly noted. Most alarming is that this took place among working age populations during a time when we should have expected for excess mortality to enter a stage of mean-reversion. It also coincides with vaccine mandates, something I also noted in the military data.

However, it also shows something much largerConfirmation that the vaccines have no (mortality) efficacy. That's what I'll make clear in this article. The results also point to my recent observation that all of the U.S. statistics appear to be confounded by wealth effects for which no agencies are making statistical corrections.

Some people may think that they "know" all of this already (and maybe they do), but we're in an information war, and confirming your own bias (IN ALL CAPS IN EXCLAMATION POINTS!!) is the wrong path forward—no matter how well you've studied the situation. There is a place for everything, but the place for screaming text is not in the thick of a large public discussion (except as an occasional comedic device). What we need is further explanation for the people in the middle—the people who aren't committed to the lie, and who are still trying to get a grip on exactly what has taken place. These are people who won't take a red pill without a whole lot of evidence of the illusions. This reanalysis of the actuarial statistics is for them. Your perfunctory statistical hero is on the case.

Note that the original report is already archived by the Wayback Machine.



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