
Saturday, March 09, 2024


From Tulsi Gabbard's Substack:

One of the most common arguments used to undermine gun rights will usually sound like: “Our founders only had muskets; they never imagined the high powered firearms available to citizens today.” In fact, immediately following the Supreme Court’s ruling on the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, New York’s Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul immediately excoriated the decision at a press conference where she recited this tired talking point. However, it was what she said immediately prior to this that unmasks how many Democrats truly feel about the second amendment and our Constitution as a whole. Governor Hochul’s comments were as follows: 

And I’m sorry this dark day has come, that we’re supposed to go back to what was in place since 1788 when the Constitution of the United States was ratified. And I would like to point out to the Supreme Court Justices that the only weapons at the time were muskets. I’m prepared to go back to muskets. 

Let’s step back and dissect that for a moment. Governor Hochul considers it a dark day for her constituents in New York to reclaim the rights promised to them under our Constitution; ones that she and the Democrat controlled state legislature were infringing upon. These remarks were unprepared, as news of the ruling broke during an already scheduled press conference – and so thanks to this rare moment of unfiltered honesty, we now know her true feelings. Governor Hochul fundamentally disagrees with the original intent of the second amendment. 

Despite what many Democrats would like you to believe, the original intent had absolutely nothing to do with hunting or hobby. Very simply, the second amendment exists for two reasons and two reasons only. First, every American has the inalienable God-given right to protect themselves and their loved ones from threats of violence. As crime continues to rise throughout the country and progressive DA’s refuse to take dangerous criminals off our streets, firearm sales, especially among first time owners have hit record highs. Even with the relentless attacks on our second amendment from Democrats and our national media, Americans innately understand that gun ownership, combined with proper training, offers an unmatched level of security. 

Second, our founders had a profound understanding of human nature – and the ease with which power could corrupt. To safeguard the very freedoms they had fought so valiantly to obtain, they realized the American people would need to be well-armed; as this would be the single most effective deterrent against government tyranny. President Biden recently mocked this notion, claiming that Americans would need F-15 fighter jets to successfully fend off our government. The bone chilling casualness with which our President quips about deploying the military against American citizens aside, Biden is misreading the intent of the second amendment. It exists to serve as a check on the power of a tyrannical government. With more than 81 million gun owners in America, any path to dictatorship would be met with armed resistance and unimaginable bloodshed, and so, our government will be very reluctant to cross that line. That is the very definition of a deterrent. When you disarm the people, that deterrent no longer exists and it becomes much easier to succumb to the temptations of tyranny. 

I used to think the warnings from conservatives, libertarians and gun enthusiasts about the ‘slippery slope’ were overblown.But I was wrong. As I look back over the past decade, I see that their warnings were justified. The Democratic party wasn’t against the second amendment when I joined — but they’ve since removed all mention of it from their national party platform. The Democratic Socialists of America, a faction which has become increasingly vocal through members like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib, published an essay in 2018 titled “The Second Amendment is a Threat to Us All.” 

Senator Elizabeth Warren is pushing for credit card companies to track and report all sales of firearms and ammunition, a backdoor effort to create a national gun registry, which would be unconstitutional and has so far failed to pass in Congress. President Biden relentlessly pushes for gun confiscation and reinstating the assault weapons ban. Meanwhile, they are politicizing Federal agencies like the Department of Justice and Homeland Security, and using them to target law-abiding Americans who oppose the radical so-called woke agenda of this Administration. They are dangerously showing their authoritarian instincts through their rhetoric, policies, and actions — undermining our God-given freedoms enshrined in the Constitution at every turn. 

The actions of today’s Democrat party and the Biden Administration are proving how visionary our founders were in ensuring the Second Amendment came after the First Amendment. We cannot fold under the pressure of tyranny. Our rights shall not be infringed.

Tulsi Gabbard seems to have "evolved" on this issue. 

She used to be iffy on the 2nd Amendment.

It is important to remember she also supported Bernie Sanders at one time.

And, then, more recently, she left the Democratic Party entirely.

She is a bit of an odd duck.  Isn't she?

Frankly, I am tempted to believe she is strategically and consistently attempting to place herself out of the mainstream, as a means of establishing a brand, and attracting attention to herself. What might appear to be a rebel streak, could simply be Attention Whorism.

But, obviously, I have no fucking idea. 

But I do know this: She has not convinced me.


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