
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Kristallnacht 2.0: Toronto Synagogue Targeted Again, Shouts of ‘Heil Hitler’ (Video)

Kristallnacht 2.0: Toronto Synagogue Targeted Again, Shouts of ‘Heil Hitler’ (Video)

Toronto, May 2024 – The phrase “never again,” born from the horrors of the Holocaust, was intended to ensure that such atrocities would never be repeated. Yet, here we are in 2024, Canada, witnessing a disturbing surge in antisemitic violence that echoes the darkest chapters of history.

On Friday morning, the Kehillat Shaarei Torah synagogue in Toronto became the target of an attack for the second time in less than a month. Radicals shattered the synagogue’s windows and doors, leaving behind a scene reminiscent of Kristallnacht—the “night of broken glass” in Nazi Germany, where Jewish-owned stores and synagogues were destroyed in a state-sponsored pogrom.

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