
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Nancy Pelosi Is Embarrassed at Oxford Debate


From Ace of Spades:

The guy speaking is Winston Marshall. If that sounds vaguely familiar, he's the musician who was forced out of the semi-popular band Mumford and Sons; the reason for the cancellation -- he tweeted something vaguely and weakly positive about Andy Ngo's book about the terrorist organization antifa.

Our elites have decided that they will no longer pretend there's any distance between them and their protected and paid street terror paramilitaries. They've decided it's illegal to criticize their blackshirts.

That got him cancelled and thrown out of an industry.

Below, the part of his summation in which he points out that the left keeps saying Trump rejected the outcome of the election, but Nancy Pelosi herself claimed the 2016 election was "hijacked."

She interrupts him, rudely, and says "It was."

After humiliating her, he read a series of shrieking headlines from the faux elites of the leftwing Democrat Media claiming that Democracy Has Failed Us! because Trump won in 2016.

Nancy Pelosi claimed that the elites have to intervene in elections, because voters are "blocked" from getting the correct information. She then calls voters"poor souls" "looking for some answers," and says "We've given them to them" but they're "blocked" from receiving the Democratic Truth due to their minds being "clouded" by "God, gays, and guns."

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