I must admit, I don't feel like I know much about Viktor Orban. But I tend to think that, if the Left really hates someone, they are probably on the right side of the tide of history.
Conservative Champion Viktor Orbán is a man with deep-rooted convictions and opinions. And he has the fortitude to express them in a very frank and direct way.
So, today, the Hungarian Prime Minister takes on the rotating presidency of the European Union, an entity he once described as ‘the contemporary parody version of the Soviet Union’.
He did it his own way – clashing with Brussels every step of the way on a host of issues. He rejected unchecked mass migration, the crippling ‘green policies’ and – of course – the blind backing of Ukraine in the war and the rush towards WW3.
Who can forget this? EPIC Hungary’s Orbán on EU ‘Blackmail’: ‘There Is Not Enough Money in the World To Force Us To Accept Mass Migration and To Put Our Children in the Hands of LGBTQ Activists’.
So, to mark his deep differences, Orbán chose as the slogan of his presidency ‘Make Europe Great Again’, to the dismay of the European Mainstream media.
Reuters reported:
“Hungary’s nationalist government launches its presidency of the European Union on Monday with a Trump-like call to “Make Europe Great Again” after EU lawmakers questioned whether it should be allowed to take on the role.”
He is to Hungary what MAGA is to our citizens here. He slammed his borders shut when Russia entered Ukraine and made it very clear that Hungary was for Hungarians. As I recall, the EU fined him out the kazoo in pissed off manner.