
Monday, August 05, 2024

Did Western Governments import Muslims to our countries to act as muscle against us when the government started to show its communist hand?

I think we have seen in modern history how tyrants will import or ally with enemies of the people to quell the people. Anyone who has not seen the movie, Cromwell, about. how a real British Patriot, Oliver Cromwell, created an army of people to depose a tyrannical King. 
Charles the 1st. Charles, when he got wind of how unpopular his increasingly tyrannical measures were, decided to import entire foreign armies that up to then had been enemies of England. 
At that time, specifically the Scots and the Irish, because they where Roman Catholic and loyal to the Pope and Rome, and England was Protestant and the actual government where puritans. 
When it was learned that Charles the 1st had called for the Scots and Irish to invade to fight the people of England, the uprising began and Charles was arrested and decapitated. So the practice of using foreigners to quell one’s own people by tyrants is time honoured.

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