
Sunday, November 10, 2024

Anti-Semitism as an Eternal Truth


Anti-Semitism is woven into the fabric of reality.

The Jews of this generation have enjoyed the great luxury of believing that the horrors of anti-Semitism were confined to history. We believed that after the horrors of the Nazi regime, who murdered 6 million of our brothers and sisters, the world would never be fooled again into hating the Jews. 

We believed that after such a display of sheer evil and human malevolence, the world finally understood the dangers of succumbing to the seductions of the mob. 

We believed that after surviving these horrors, after Western countries everywhere condemned the German Nazis for their sins and after Eichman himself stood trial before the Jerusalem District Court, that we had risen above the fate of our Jewish forefathers. 

And here is the tragic truth: it takes only but one pogrom to catapult us back to the reality of our forefathers, squaring us off with the reality that, no, our generation is no exception. The fate of our forefathers is our fate. 

How, then, can the 21st-century Western mind, educated against racism's evils and taught that the Nazis were the epitome of such evil - how can such a mind comprehend and, inadvertently, perpetuate anti-Semitism? 

Today, modern anti-Semitism masquerades under the label of anti-Zionism. Elie Wiesel aptly noted that “the State's existence is the oxygen of the image and ideas of the new anti-Semitism." The eternal reality of Jew hatred has found a new spin, one that brands Zionist Jews as the new Nazis - an unimaginable insult added to injury that could only have been conjured by the devil himself. 

Aligned with the oppressor-oppressed narrative of the progressive Left, the new fashionable anti-Zionism decries Israel as an occupying and apartheid state, dishonestly twisting the facts to afford themselves moral license for their hate. 

Within this narrative, Jew haters are further able to maintain their sense of moral righteousness, as they fanatically signal to the world how deeply they care for the Palestinians. It is important to note that these individuals had never so much as shed a tear or wasted a thought on the Palestinians before the massacre of October 7th. To them, Israel’s legacy of building a thriving Western nation amid hostile enemies is twisted into a story of colonization by the White Jewish overlords. By branding the Jews as colonizers and oppressors, the progressive Left has been able to resurrect anti-Semitism while keeping their moral cognitive dissonance at bay.


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